Everything Linux Related


Who are you?

I am a software dev who, in my free time, enjoys learning about technology and playing video games.  This blog is a way for me to document my learnings and help others understand technology. For me, technology is fun and interesting, and I want to help others understand it too.

Where can I find you?





Mastodon Social


You can also email me at contact@archuser.org

feel free to email me with reviews, suggestions, etc


Note: reviews were submitted via email. Names, email addresses, and other indentifying information has been redacted.

"Great explanations!" -Anon1@stu.garrard.kyschools.us
"I've used Linux for years and this is the best explanation of it that I have seen" -Anon2@stu.garrard.kyschools.us
"Amazing podcast" -Anon3@stu.garrard.kyschools.us


This website was created for academic purposes, mainly for my social media marketing class. All information provided, with the exception of the reviews and social media handles, are accurate to my own beliefs and reality.