What is Ubuntu?

What Ubuntu is

Ubuntu is one of, if not the most popular Linux distribution for servers and desktops alike. Why? Ubuntu is popular with desktop users because of its simplicity and how easy it is to use. Its popular with servers because of its free and widely used meaning if you have any problems, someone most likely has a solution for you. Ubuntu is famous because it revolutionized Linux for the desktop user, making simple things easy. It still carries this fame to this day, being recommended to people who are new to Linux because of how user friendly it made everything. 

What makes Ubuntu special?

Ubuntu uses the Gnome GUI. By default, Gnome is similar to the way macOS looks.  But Ubuntu puts a twist on it. Instead of the dock being on the bottom, hidden in the activities menu (which is default on Gnome), Ubuntu puts it on the left-hand side of the screen, and always visible. This simplifies the experience of the user, thus making it more friendly.

Ubuntu also uses the Snap package manager. Though criticized by Linux enthusiasts for being bloated, slow, and proprietary, there is no doubt that Snap and the Snap store make the user experience simple. In my opinion, you should use Flatpaks instead because it lacks the issues Snaps have.

Is Ubuntu worth using today?

In my opinion, for new users and experienced users, there are better options. Ubuntu used to be a great option, but has since fell to more popular, and better, distrobutions.